Automated Negotiation SCM consortium

Purpose of the Automated Negotiation
SCM consortium

The consortium aims to dramatically improve the efficiency of the “coordination of interests and behavior among companies, organizations, and individuals” that occur every day in the supply chain. The consortium will promote cooperation by members from various positions such as solution providers, users, academic experts, etc., with the main activities of organizing and verifying practical adjustment business flows utilizing advanced technologies, and their development and dissemination.

Negotiation AI proposes optimal solutions to various issues

Dramatically optimize the daily supply chain operations with balancing interests and behaviors among companies, organizations, and individuals.

  • Organize and verify practical adjustment business flows using advanced technologies
  • Realization of social value through its development and dissemination and ecosystem formation
  • Contribution to the national visions such as Society 5.0

Background of
the Consortium establishment

In the supply chain of all industries, such as adjusting the delivery date, quantity, and price of products in the manufacturing industry, and adjusting delivery conditions and prices in the logistics industry, various adjustments with counterparties are generated and carried out in large quantities every day among companies, organizations, individuals, etc.

At present, these coordination operations are mainly carried out manually. However, due to the small lot of transactions, the complexity and diversification of products, the demand for responding to detailed needs, and the intensification of the competitive environment, there is a growing need to carry out more complex adjustment operations in a shorter time and accurately.

Furthermore, in the current situation of the tightness of major components due to disasters and epidemics, and the decrease in the number of young people due to the declining birthrate, the success or failure of adjustments has also affected the survival of the company and the maintenance of social functions.

Under the background, the Consortium will organize and verify the coordination business flow that realizes dramatic efficiency improvement by utilizing advanced technologies for representative use cases and aim to develop and disseminate them.

About Activites

Organize and promote architectures based on the consistency of decision models and business practices with the aim of coordinating behavior and interests between companies and organizations, and developing and disseminating global optimization technologies. Specifically, the following activities will be carried out.


Automated Negotiation

Automated negotiation of
parts procurement

You can see a demonstration of automated negotiations by AI referring to the adjustment of the price, delivery date, and quantity of automotive parts in the automotive supply chain.

Automated negotiation of
logistics arrangements

You can see a demonstration of negotiations between AI and people, referring to the adjustment of airlift quotas among shippers, logistics companies and airlift companies in air logistics.

Delivery Date Adjustment
Trial Environments

Automatic negotiation can be verified!

Enter your company's inventory and stock/output status with business partners in the specified format (Excel, JSON). When you give that information to the automatic negotiation AI, the automatic negotiation AI will determine whether there is a need to adjust the delivery date, If adjustments are necessary, we will request negotiation from the business partner and adjust the delivery date on the negotiation chat screen.
*If you wish to verify only within your company, you can do so by setting the request to the business partner to your own personnel.

Delivery Date Adjustment Trial Environments

How to join

Learn about the benefits/dues/obligations of membership. You will also find information on how to enroll, membership categories, and agreement submission.


Contribution to the SDGs

The Automated Negotiation SCM Consortium will contribute to the SDGs through automated negotiation technology utilizing AI.

Specifically, the Consortium will focus on the following three of the 17 items that are addressed at the SDGs.


We realize an efficient supply chain and contribute to Carbon neutral.


AI automates complicated negotiation tasks, allowing people to focus on more creative tasks.


We provide an automated negotiation platform for many industries, including manufacturing and logistics.